Hi, I am a sixth-year Ph.D. candidate from the Department of Engineering Mechanics, Dalian University of Technology. I am very fortunate to be supervised by Prof. Xu Guo and Prof. Chang Liu. Previously, I received my bachelor’s degree (Engineering Mechanics) from Hefei University of Technology in 2019, supervised by Prof. Bo Yu. My research interests include applied and computational mechanics, structure analysis and design, computer graphics, computer-aided geometric design, and engineering computing.

Currently, I am researching something about complex surface structures, the methodology can be analysis, simulation, design, and optimization, etc. One achieved study can be concluded as “Explicit Structure Optimization TOwards Complex Shell Structures, ESOTOCS”. Based on the explicit structure optimization method and the computational conformal mapping technique, we construct a general framework to design complex surface structures. Potential applications include the {lightweight design, stiffness enhancement, and structure manipulation} of {shells, membranes, and low-dimensional materials}. The algorithms developed have been successfully applied to specific engineering projects and have been integrated into different software.

Other research includes phase field modeling, intelligent engineering computing, and general structure optimization, hope we can make some contributions to these aspects. Since I want to avoid being trapped in the computation framework, I’m also learning about measurement, experiment, manufacturing, and applications, which will reflect in future research.

Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in my research and work, my Email is huowd@mail.dlut.edu.cn.